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Messi can return to playground only if he is 'well and confident' again: Coach Martino

Messi can return to playground only if he is 'well and confident' again: Coach Martino

Messi can return to playground only if he is 'well and confident' again: Coach Martino

 It seems that Lionel Messi's absence due to muscle fatigue has indeed had a significant impact on Inter Miami's recent match against Atlanta United, as well as on their overall playoff ambitions. Here's a summary of the key points from the information you provided:

Muscle Fatigue: Messi was sidelined from the match against Atlanta United due to muscle fatigue, along with his former Barcelona teammate Jordi Alba.

Cautious Approach: Coach Gerardo 'Tata' Martino emphasized the need for a cautious approach regarding Messi's participation, highlighting that it would have been imprudent for him to play in the Atlanta match.

US Open Cup Focus: Martino underlined the importance of preparing the team for the US Open Cup final on September 27th against Houston, indicating that this is a significant goal for the club this season.

Day-to-Day Evaluation: The team plans to evaluate Messi's status on a day-to-day basis as he works towards gradual recovery.

Patient Stance: Coach Martino conveyed a patient stance, emphasizing that Messi's return to play will depend on his well-being and confidence, with no rush or urgency to bring him back prematurely.

Recent Loss: The defeat against Atlanta United marked Inter Miami's first loss in 12 games across all competitions since Messi, Alba, and Sergio Busquets joined the team in July. This defeat affects their position in the Eastern Conference and their quest for a playoff berth.

Optimism: Despite the setback, Martino remained optimistic about the team's prospects, viewing the defeat as a setback but not a decisive blow to their playoff aspirations.

Messi's Absence from Argentina: Messi's absence from Argentina's World Cup qualifier against Bolivia highlights the cautious approach taken by both his club and country to manage his condition effectively and avoid further injury.

the careful management of Messi's fitness and well-being is absolutely a priority for both Inter Miami and the Argentina national team. Messi is one of the greatest footballers of all time in the world, and his continued contributions to the sport of soccer are invaluable day by day. Fans will undoubtedly be eager to see him back in action once he has fully recovered and fresh, but it is important to be patient and understanding current situation of health.

Muscle fatigue can be a stubborn injury, and it is important to give the muscles proper time to rest and recover fully in order to avoid further injury. we are confident that Messi will return to the pitch stronger than ever before, and I look forward to seeing him lead Inter Miami and Argentina to new heights after coming back from injury.

It is important to remember that he is 36 years old now, and his body may not be able to handle the same rigors as it did in his younger years of his career. It is important for Inter Miami and the Argentina national team to work closely with Messi to develop a plan that will allow him to play at a high level while also protecting his long-term health and strength for upcoming events .

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